Project Howard: WIP 03

General / 09 April 2018

(7:56 PM) ~ Another update on my little friend, here! Recently returned from visiting some friends over in Monterey, California, as well as this year's GDC in San Francisco. I had an amazing time, and I got to meet some awesome people! Working on Howard outside in the mountains was also very relaxing, and very much a needed experience.

I finished the retopo of Howard's hair, and got everything unwrapped! Separating Howard into multiple UVs (body on one map, pants on one map, shirt on another, etc) allows for easy clothing customization and swapping if a player chooses to dress him differently in a game scenario. I'm not 100% sure how customizable I want Howard to be quite yet, but I prepared for the complex situation: hair, shirt, pants, feet, accessories, even advanced eye detail. 

Here is the finalized high-poly sculpt of him. It deviates just a bit from the earlier high poly sculpt I posted previously. The image quality is not the best, as the stitches on his pants and shirt don't really show through, but they're there! I also added a bump on his right cheek for his signature mole c: 

I have also began the process of baking and texturing him in Substance Painter. Here's another low-quality WIP image of that xD

Progress is a bit slower, but its steady. I'm continuously learning new information and techniques that I will be able to use for all future projects. I'll continue to post updates as I see fit!